The SDQ is part of the DAWBA family of mental health measures.
Read about DAWBA here.
As of September 2016, you can
from over 100 countries.
Information for researchers and professionals about the Strengths & Difficulties Questionnaires
All servers are located in the European Union. The courts of England and Wales will have exclusive
jurisdiction to settle any dispute which arises out of or in connection with Youthinmind Ltd services.
Please note that Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaires, whether in English or in translation,
are copyright documents that are not in the public domain. As such, they may not be modified
in any way (e.g. changing the wording of questions, adding questions or administering only subsets of
questions). This is to ensure that the SDQ is fully comparable across studies and settings. Similarly,
to ensure high quality and consistency, unauthorized translations are not permitted. Paper versions
may be downloaded and subsequently photocopied without charge by individuals or non-profit organizations
provided they are not making any charge to families.
Users are not permitted to create or distribute
electronic versions for any purpose without prior authorization from
youthinmind. If you are interested in making translations
or creating electronic versions you MUST first contact