Spanish (Rio de la Plata)

Single-sided version without impact supplement
One-sided SDQ for parents or teachers of 4-17 year olds
One-sided self-rated SDQ for 11-17 year olds
Double-sided version with impact supplement
P2-4 - SDQ and impact supplement for the parents of 2-4 year olds
P4-17 - SDQ and impact supplement for the parents of 4-17 year olds
T4-17 - SDQ and impact supplement for the teachers of 4-17 year olds
S11-17 - SDQ and impact supplement for self-completion by 11-17 year olds
For scoring
Scoring instructions for SDQs for 4-17 year olds completed by parents or teachers. See 'Scoring the SDQ' page for the latest information in English, including scoring SDQs aimed at other age groups.
Scoring instructions for self-report SDQs for 11-17 year olds. See 'Scoring the SDQ' page for the latest information in English.

The following people have made major contributions to the translation, back-translation or validation: MaríaNoel Berthet, Guillermo Perez Algorta, Pilar García Cortázar, Juan David Palacio.

Last modified: 26 January 2020